Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dear readers...... I'm back :)

I miss all the things in this blog, and I have no words to say but sorry for abandoning this blog for a very long time...

In this last three months I've been spending my whole time to had a lot of fun with my friend, for a positive I'm more than just happy.... and for a negative I was had too much fun so times flees and yeah I'm such fell asleep in the whole moments.. hehe..

And I  finally I try Ice skating for the first time... haha

Meet up and catch up with my highschool mates :)
And I went to Pangandaran :D

 Now I do my habit. take a picture in a campus corridor..

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Pernah gagal? gue pernah bahkan sering.
Mungkin sebagian orang menyebutnya gagal, tapi gue merasa lebih sreg dengan kata belum berhasil.
Gue adalah orang yang menaruh banyak keyakinan pada sebuah kata - kata bijak atau quotations. Gue pernah baca bahwa untuk bisa berhasil kita akan mengalami yang namanya masa belum berhasil. Belum berhasil bukan berarti gagal kan? setidaknya gue sangat keep up dengan kalimat tersebut.

"Not Success doesn't mean failed"

Contohnya klasiknya Thomas Alvaedison yang mesti mengalami percobaan yang belum berhasil berkali-kali sebelum penemuannya berhasil. Gue mungkin bukan orang pintar tapi gue gak mau di bilang bodoh, setidaknya gue punya minat yang bisa dikembangkan dan yang paling penting gue punya mimpi yang unlimited, yang siap gue perjuangkan.

"Losers are people who are so afraid of not winning, they don't even try." - little miss sunshine

Bakat, minat, impian, doa, dan sebuah usaha belum cukup untuk mencapai kata sukses dan berhasil. Jangan lupa kita bisa jatuh kapan saja, Tuhan pun tidak akan mudah memberikan apa yang kita inginkan jika kita belum pantas mendapatkannya. Gue mungkin belum memulai apa-apa buat menggapai mimpi gue, setidaknya gue akan mulai dari sekarang. Nggak muluk, gue cuma mau jadi seorang jurnalis sekaligus penulis. Meskipun sekarang gue kuliah di jurusan yang nggak gue minati, tapi gue akan mencari celah agar gue bisa menjadi seorang Jurnalis suatu hari nanti tanpa mengabaikan tanggung jawab gue kepada orang tua dengan cara menyelesaikan kuliah gue di bidang politik yang nggak gue suka ini. AMIN!

"Kamu punya mimpi dan cita-cita. Kamu harus lindungi mimpimu dan jangan biarkan orang lain merampasnya, meski orang itu adalah aku sendiri." - Nasihat bokap buat gue

Pernah dengar kata determinasi?
iya, karena niat, minat, bakat, doa, dan usaha belum cukup untuk mencapai kata sukses jadi formula yang diperlukan selanjutnya adalah determinasi itu sendiri. Hidup itu sulit diprediksi, tidak terorganisir bahkan sering diluar rencana kita. Kalau udah begini, kita bisa sering kecewa karena nggak mendapatkan apa yang kita harapkan dengan menjalankan apa yang sudah direncanakan. Bahkan disaat kita sudah merasa memberikan yang terbaik ada saatnya hasilnya justru tidak memuaskan. Lantas apakah kita gagal??

"There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side, it's all about the climb." - The Climb (song by Miley Cyrus)

Lagu The Climb diatas adalah salah satu lagu penyemangat dikala gue down, liriknya simple tapi 100 % menyemangati. Kita boleh punya impian dan berjalan diatas trek yang benar untuk menghampirinya, tapi hidup nggak sesimpel itu, akan ada banyak hal yang menghalangi jalan kita dan kita nggak selalu berada di zona aman. Kita bisa stuck, putus asa, bahkan kita bisa kalah sama hal sepele. Jadi gue rasa kita harus punya formula yang tepat, formula yang lengkap dengan determinasi itu.
Tahu Chris Gardner?
Beliau adalah salah satu pengusaha paling sukses di Amerika, kalau pernah nonton film The Pursuit of Happiness kalian pasti tahu ceritanya. Singkatnya, Chris Gardner adalah seorang yang pintar namun nasibnya kurang beruntung. Dia tidak  memiliki pekerjaan yang baik, sehingga kehidupan finansialnya sangat jauh dari kata berhasil. Chris yang seorang ayah ingin membuat anak dan istrinya bangga, namun sayang ruang untuk mencapai sukses itu terlalu sulit untuk dijangkau. Jangan bayangkan film ini menceritakan seorang pecundang, sebaliknya film ini menceritakan Chris yang cocok dengan perumpamaan from zero to hero. Meski berkali-kali harus jatuh dan gagal, kehilangan pekerjaan, kehilangan tempat tinggal, bahkan kehilangan seorang istri yang tidak tahan dengan situasi yang ada, Chris Gardner tidak pernah kehilangan semangat, semangat untuk meraih sukses. Gue rekomendasikan buat nonton film yang terinspirasi dari kisah nyata ini.
Dari film ini gue belajar banyak mengenai perjuangan, dimana akan selalu ada masa tidak berhasil didalamnya.
Kalau gue punya kekuatan determinasi yang hebat kayak Chris Gardner, suatu saat nanti pasti gue bisa jadi apa yang gue inginkan.
Determinasi sendiri dapat diartikan sebagai ketahanan kita dalam menghadapi situasi jatuh bangun. Tahan banting dengan segala retorika hidup yang unpredictable, mengkonsumsi semangat dalam setiap hal yang akan kita kerjakan, dan gigih dalam memperjuangkan sesuatu yang di inginkan dengan modal rasa percaya dan keyakinan untuk mendapatkannya. Jangan lupa Tuhan tahu yang terbaik buat kita, Tuhan akan selalu memberi pertolongan kepada yang bersungguh-sungguh, asalkan kita harus tetap bisa membaca situasi dan aware dengan keadaan sekitar.

Jadi, masih takut karena sering gagal? Jangan khawatir jika kita menambahkan satu formula lagi dalam ramuan kiat sukses kita yaitu determinasi, berarti kita siap jadi pemenang.
Masalahnya, apa kita sudah siap untuk berdeterminasi?

"Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said 'Do you need help?' and the man said 'God will save me'. Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said 'God will save me', then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, 'God, why didn't you save me?' and God said 'I sent you two boats, you dummy!'." - The Pursuit of Happines

With Love,
Restu Hapsari 


Friday, April 2, 2010

Welcome April :)

Hey there, this is a new begining. For me, and I hope for you too.
March has just ended, and thanks a lot for you guys to pay your attention and read all my march articles which was all about my silly casual relationship. And I swear not anymore, I'm over it now.
This month I have a plan to write some articles about celebs, do you guys agree?. Well I just want to share my opinions about them, especially their styles. I'm attract to something called fashion now.  I'm not fashionista, I don't deserve to call as fashionable girl, I'm far from that stuff. But, come on fashion is something fascinating. I do lookleting in my half time, that's fun.
This April, my first post after this note is dedicate to my best friend Unix Rahmasaputra. I want to let you know about someone who always special for me, he's my best friend Unix and I will write something about him right after this one.

Restu Hapsari

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Moldy Peaches - Anyone else but you.

Dear readers.
This is real, now I'm just staring in front of my laptop and read some blogs and then write again and again. it means my mood on writing is well now. I hope this can be a new begining for me to get up. Honestly, I don't have any remarkable stories to share with you during this day. I'm just stay in my room and reading a few blogs and listening The moldy peaches over and over again. But, it doesn't means I'm stuck on those situation. Now I have and get so many inspirations and ideas to do instead of waiting someone texting me on my cell phone. Well, now I'm addicted to The moldy peaches song's titled anyone else but you. I'm sure you guys know that song.

Lyrics | The Moldy Peaches - Anyone Else but You lyrics

Why am I so addicted to that song? well, the lyrics remind me about someone. truthfully I hate to admit it, because I'm too ashame for that. As I told you before, now I have a close friend and he's a boy. I don't know if what we doing can be called an open relationship or not, but we really do it now. This is the same boy that I ever told you on my previous notes, yes still him. And I hope he will never know that I've write so many things about him on this blog. Let's call him Joe ( I love Joe Jonas, he always judge him self as "my joe jonas" and her nick name is Jo too ).

The song is so us, this the first time in my life I feel so stupid on this things. Sometimes we just talk about the silly things over sms, and when we meet on the college we're almost never speak too much. At first I just want him to be my part time lover and a full time a friend, but now why I feel so different?. I know it must be the effects of the habit, now I can't pretend that I always miss his jokes.

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right. This part describing us, we didn't stay for a consistency. But what we do is FUN, souds crazy funny huh?. Gosh, I think I'm getting sink into this unpredictable thing. Well, is that mean I'm in love? no, please not now I'm just not ready to feel it now. I don't want to ruin my plans because I'm in love. No restu!

But it's been a long time since we starting our first conversations. And now I feel that he's mine, but the truth is the opposite. That's fucking hurt.

I'm a bit insane for this thing, I'm not ready to break up. Eventhough, he told me about what his feel (and the good news are he feel the same way with me) but I'm still doubt about us. We didn't really know each other, but the sounds in my head says " I don't care about everything ".

He's not the boy that I want, not my type exactly. But I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but him.  I will always try to keep it real, and I hope he do the same. Because I'm in love with how his feel. Still don't know how long this things could be lasting out.

I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you.  
But you.
( sing it quietly )
 taken from : Juno the movie

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Raindrops dancing in my hand.

Hello, my name is Briseis.
I can't do anything, I just want to tell my story.

   Lately, I saw a boy in the red jacket, jumped beneath the stars.
   He was helping me to count the stars, I know I know he was treating me because I'm only 8.
   He told me "the stars is too much so I can't count it for you litle girl".
   And at that time, I feel so bliss.
   He was on my random dream, I was ever dream of him eventhough I don't know his name.
   The rain was fall as slow as I saw his move, na.. na.. na.. na.. and the cupid was singing to us.
   I heard the most romantic words in a silence, the old town seems so new.
   The gray day turn into the sunny day.
   Till I heard a single voice, " honey, you have to get back to your mom! she must be confuse where you are".
   The rain washed the street, we're wet.
   He took my hand, and I felt my heart beat.
   If I have to wish for one thing, I would wish I could born 15 years sooner.
   I bet this boy is 23.
   He brought me back to my mom and then he said his farewell.
   I'm a bit of disapointment.
   But, at least I still can feel the raindrops dancing in my hand, when I recall that moment.
Hello, my name is Briseis.
I can't do anything, I just want to tell my story.

I'm (still) no one, but I gotta be someone.

Dear readers.

What do you think about my blog's new look? is it messy? well, I did the editing in the middle of the night. I hope you like it baby !

By the way, day by day my passion in writing is getting better. I was read a few blogs of indonesian blogger who has a creativity and inspiring. I have to thank God because I really love reading, at least when I get bored I do the worth thing.

Yesterday I was just thinking about how to become "someone" on my younghood, well for these last two days I was spend my time looking for fresh inspiration. and guess what, I get it now. Firstly, I found cassey's blog and it attracted me to read over and over again. Not only cass but also sarah jane, this girl is pretty unique. she write anything on her own way. Cass and sarah inspired me to do the same things, just write what I want and what I think. I wish I could inspiring people too. amin !
And I'm not forget to visit alanda kariza's blog but unfortunately she didn't write a new one. Last night I got tweet by kezia gabriella, a young talented blogger. she asked  about her idea to quit blogging, and I said No. we had a little conversation over twitter and she was thank me because I made her feel better.
Well, a friendly tweet by cass and gabby making me eager to do something so I could be someone. I got my positive spirit because of it, after all those annoying day and my bad mood now I get a wake up call. I still don't know what exactly that I should do for a begining, all I know is now I have to rearrange all my plans eventhough I still have no direction to reach it. So, I do it with writing on my blog now and I do hope I could be an officially writer like cassey, amin. I know it seems too far away, at least I would try from now. I don't want to lose my chance. I have to keep moving on.

I remember that Paulo coelho told us in his book The alchemist, if we really wishing for something and have a strong desire, a whole world would help us to make it come true. And I believe it.

I want to be an author, that's the one of my big dream. I was write a few short story and long story but I have never get them finished. I just discover some of them on my laptop, and I never notice that I have made so many unfinished story. that's bad baby, cause they has a good title but I don't know how to finished it. The stories was too old, so I'm forget about the idea of stories. But, I will start with my new stories. And now, beside I will write all about my life here, I also have a plan to write some poetry and fictions. Just wait for that dear, because I believe someday I will become "someone" eventhough now I'm just no one.

Anyway don't forget to read Letters, stories, and dreams by cassandra niki. it has been sold on a bookstore and you will never regret to have it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thanks Cassey, Thanks :)

Dear readers.

Today my mood is getting better than before (wide smile). eventhough I still can't get up from this bad temptation and still can't find the energy to get a power but I'm better now.
Anyway I just get a new haircut, I hope this new haircut can affecting my mood better day by day. seriously I'm tired for being bad on mood !
Hahahaha... I'm so sorry if I become so narcissistic, but this is the first time I take a pose in front of the camera during this fucking two months. at least, now my passion for being narcissistic is getting back :p.
Anyway, today is the best day for me on this boredom march.
why? because I just discover someone who can make my spirit up (Finally).
She's Helena Cassandra niki sucahyo, I'm in love with her blog and now I'm so addicted of it.
I woke up this morning and had breakfast with a fried rice and Ice tea, I did my habit (tweeting), and writing on this blog. And till I saw tweet by casseybunn so I opened her page and visited her blog I read her articles and I got a new inspiration to get up from this shit situation, I love everything she wrote and she told everything that made me say "hey, I need to wake up !".
and I love her tagline on her blog, she say remember: if it hurts, it's probabbly worth it.

I didn't read the whole articles on her blog, it will take times but I will read it soon. the one of her articles that I love, titled ironic, this is my favorite. and besides she writes her inspiring ideas, she also writes about photography. I bet she has a good taste in art, you can see her cool arts on
she was make an awesome works. Now, cassey is an officially writer. Her book titled Letters, Stories, and Dreams has been sold on the bookstore, and I can't wait to read it.
Cassey is beautiful, not only beautiful she's cool, creative, smart, and open minded too.
Well, just like me she's a girl in a small body posture, she's 20 now and I'm 19. But she's already make a "something" and I wish I could be like her. anyway, I tweeted her this morning and she's tweeted me back.
she told me:
casseybunn @restu_etuu Well good morning then! If I have inspired you, now it's your turn to inspire someone else ;)

Thaks cassey I wish I could :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

you're my vanilla twilight

I Miss you, darling I wish you were here.
(this is trully what I feel, inspired by vanilla twilight - owl city)

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here

a story about home

I'm very exhausted now.
If I have any three wishes, I just want to use one of them. Please, please, please bring me to my own home.
Home, is the right place for me to end up, a final destination to go, a place where I belong.
I don't want to be a melancholic or dramatic. this is what I feel.
I know what I want, but how long I can wait for that. everyday was unremarkable, my day was begin with a simple things and end up with so ordinary. please teach me how to learn to take a wisdom in every second.
I'm still holding on here, wait to find my way home.
Seconds, hours, many days, I'm still losing my way.
Give me a reason to fight, and what if my chance has over please assure me that I was wrong.
Home, I need to get back to this place and take some rests.
But, I go nowhere now. I have no place to hide my self from all those shit things.
Anyway, I've lost my passion in everything I used to love. I don't have any spirit like before.
I can't help my own self as I always do.
Patronsaint, I need you..
Your heart is the most beautiful home to me.
Let me lean on you for a moment, Please...
I almost gave up my dreams, so take me by the hand and show me that I can.
In your heart, I can take my every step struggle.
In your heart, I can run so fast.
In your heart, No boundaries.
In your heart, there's my home.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello March :)

I say hello to MARCH.
Welcome MARCH I wish this month would be better for us. Amin

February just ended, I was never realized how come that time could be so fast?. And I didn't blogging too much on last february.
I just starting my March moment with some weird things.
That's funny, but I've been stop dreaming for a while. I was live my life with holding super dreams and now my dream, my life seems like has been paused.
What's going on with this? why now I'm just stare for something strange and I don't event know is that thing trully exist?.
I want to be a calm girl but frontalistic

It's ain't about something wrong in my life, eventhough I can't pretend this is strange and ridiculous for me.
tell me what should I do to bring the real me back?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fairytale is never over. . . . .

I wish I was a princess, who live in my own dreamland....

I love to dream become a princess, my mom said it was normal :) yeah I told her when I was six. She has never hear this wildest dream of mine again right now, because I'm 19 now and it's impossible to tell this.
if you think I'm dreamer, don't stop to think about me that way.
Because that's fact, I'm truly dreamer.
I wont stop to always dreaming. I stay on my imagination, I love to be in a fairytale. I don't care what everybody think about me and all those my wildest dreams, as long as I live I wont leave my dream.

Fairytale is my favorite part in this life.
I bet it's the only thing in this real life that deserve to be everlasting forever. without fairytale there's nothing an image of happiness, this world might be hopeless and seems unreal. if you have no same idea with me about this, I wont to make you trust what I feel okay? no pressure this is just my thought.
I've been learning so much things through fairytale.
I was learn how to be brave as robin hood, I was learn how to be struggle as cinderella, I was learn how to trust my self as a tinkerbell, and I proud of archiles.
This world is getting seriously more and more  in every second. I don't know... but I couldn't feel and I don't even find the peace anymore. whenever I tune on TV and see the news, I always see there's a violence everywhere. a murder, war, fighting, gosh they were hurting each other and that's happen over and over again.
well, I don't mean to judge people with all their bad actions ( for me that's so annoying and pathetic, totally bad ). I just wondering why all those crazy things should be happened? I know every people have their own bussiness and their own life, I'm just a little girl who knows nothing. but I really miss the peace and  the sincere love to be spread. I really do hope this isn't real. maybe I don't know everything all about the agression between a states, or what become the reasons behind a fighting tragedy in the court room. I never understand, and I'm not interest to understand at all. I just want to listen a bird whistling without any sounds of gunners, all I want to hear is the children crooning without fear. all we need is a peaceful world, as a fairytale.
Everytime I close my eyes, I dream of a fairytale.
I have more than any dreamland on my fairytale world.
I feel the peace.
it's ain't about I wanna be a princess, I'm a princess on my own way. at least everyone can be anything whatever they want to be as long as they believe themselves they can do it. well, I'm on that way.
But it's more than that.
more than a tale of prince and princess, more than a tale of brisies and archiles, more than a tale of alice in a wonderland..
I just can find what I want to hear here, I can feel what I want to feel here, I can see what I want to see here.
It's better for me.
It's better when I dream about my dreamland with all these an amazing things on it, than I lived for a cruelty, hurting each other, cheating, eventhough it's the real life.
I wish I'm a pixie from a fairytale so I could brighten the whole entire world with a love.
So I can see the sincere wide smile in the morning and laugh loudly in the night.
And I will make this fairytale never over.
Fairytale become a Reality.
to making me smile like this :)
Restu Hapsari say thank you FAIRYTALES.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You're my Best Friend, You're my Best Man

Hello Boy :)
You looked so cool when you hold that Basketball. I never thought that we could be friend. I still remember when you came to me, it's wednesday. anyway I really want to tell you this, and I think it's more than just "THIS". you were my bestfriend. and you will be the best thing that I ever had forever. don't ask me why ! because I can't found the reason why, don't beg me to stop please ! because it wont stop dear. I will be your friend forever.

We could talk about something serious or talk about nothing. You told me about a girl and I told you about a boy, maybe when we brought a book at the school corridor or when we shared the headset heard the adam's song.
Everyday was ordinary, almost unremarkable.
But I still remember how the way you laugh when the silliest things attacked you.
Dear my Best Friend, if I have to give you something I wish I could give you an ability to see how you shine on me, Brighten me, you're my superman, no.. you have no super force power !! you're my special ordinary boy :)

It's sounds crazy..

I miss you.
I miss you as my truly best friend.
we're seems so far away.
seriously, I miss your presence.

we're just people.
changing anytime and can't control the fate.
try hard to make it.
sometimes everything goes wrong, it doesn't work out.

I never leave your world.
when the whole world againts you.
I will never forget and leave you alone.

You're My Best Friend
You're the best man that I've ever knew.
as my best friend, as my brother.
as you are.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

goshh... I didn't write for like years.

Hey there, I'm really sorry ( again ) because I had no notes on this blog since one month ago. well actually I was at home lately and when I'm home I have so many things to do instead of blogging :(
and you know what, I have so many things to say right now..

1. January :
on january I was almost spend my whole time at home, doing some house work and chit chat with my mom in every hour. I feel this is rarely happen in me ( I stay in a different city with my family ) so it's amazing to hear my mom's voice everyday and we're arguing in some points sometimes. on last January was so unremarkable for me, eventhough I was spend my time mostly at home without any vacation but there's something that always success makes me smile. and I was wondering why, how come all those little things like read the text messages bring me to the happiness all day long? I mean I was with a wide smile when I woke up in the morning and still did the same way when I have to close my eyes at night. haha.. I just found someone. I and him are really good friend now, we're happy for being close friend :)) kinda flirting.. LOL !!
January was so colorful.. it was pink means happy, white means brighten me, yellow means surprised me, blue means I was sad too. I was pink when all those little things happen to me and makes me laugh and smile a whole day. I was white because I thought about everything... all the planing that I planed for my self in a future, and I was just found the slowly direction to achieve it. beside that I was look back on a past, actually when I was 16, the first time I shared my thought by using blog and goshh... I was so young, juvenile on writing and looked unpretty on a photo. but I love being me, I love spending my time for writing and reading. I was yellow when I know that I've become the one of nomination for shorty awards on twitter. so surprised when google showed me : Restu Hapsari ( restu_etuu ) was nominated for shorty awards. and I was so confused then, I mean I don't have much follower on my twitter I don't even have a list on my twitter. and again I said " how come ?? " but honestly it was making me flattered. I was blue when I found my study results on a college in third semester is worse than before, I was crying in front of the computer as shit. but then I realized this is all my fault, maybe I didn't fight all out. and miley's song made my spirit up, I love the climb that's my anthem :). and I'm so sad when I missed my lovely sister TAMEY, we had no talk for a long time and I miss her so bad.
well my holiday has ended on a last january, I was back to Bandung at 1 february.

2. February:
I'm being collegian again on this february, and my starting point on this semester has been getting started that means I have to work out!!
I wanna write some articles for some medias this month, I wish it could be published soon :))
and I'm blogging again :))


My photo
Jakarta, Indonesia
My name is Restu Hapsari, let me tell you a story!